Project A06
Post-transcriptional control of tissue-resident regulatory T cells

Treg cell specialization, tissue-residency and stability require numerous regulatory inputs. Environmental cues like recognition of cognate antigen or stimulation through cytokines not only mediate transcription of specific genes on the DNA level, but also target the RNA level by modifying the mRNA transcript, and regulating miRNAs and RNA-binding proteins (RBP), which act in concert to control expression of the transcribed mRNA.
We hypothesize that tissue specific cues have an impact on TCR-regulated RBP activity and control tissue residency, stability and/or conversion of Treg cells.
We genetically inactivate or enhance the function of the RBPs Roquin-1/2 in Treg cells and analyze the residency of Treg cells in various tissues, their stability as well as the conversion of Treg cells into T follicular regulatory cells in lymphoid organs. Furthermore, we investigate post-transcriptional targets of Roquin to exploit their effect on Treg residency, conversion or stability in the future.