Integrated Research Training Program
"Treg cells and beyond"
The Integrated Research and Training Group "Treg cells and beyond" (IRTG 355) offers the graduate students of the TRR 355 (PhD and MD/PhD) a structured educational qualification program that combines top-level immunology research, bioinformatics, and professional career development.
We aim to grow a cohort of early-career researchers with strong interdisciplinary competence within the research area of Treg cells and the emerging fields of multi-omics and single-cell analyses. To this end, we have established a training program that rests upon eight pillars: introductory courses, research-oriented training, training in computational immunology, translational research, pharmaceutical product development, scientific communication, E-learning, and career development.
This training program also aims to support the execution and progress of the cutting-research projects of the individual doctoral candidates.
By providing tailored qualification measures for early-career researchers, the IRTG aims to increase the visibility and attractiveness of TRR 355 to recruit an international early-career faculty. Additionally, the IRTG fosters the scientific exchange between partner laboratories in Mainz, Munich, and the other participating institutions and consequently functions as a networking platform for the next generation of immunologists.
This includes:
- A weekly Science Club in an online format, where PhD/MD candidates, postdocs and PIs from different locations discuss relevant literature,
the results of their research, as well as methodological challenges and methods. - A bi-weekly IRTG lecture series in an interactive online format, to foster a critical dialogue between doctoral candidates and the lecturer
- Individualized IRTG training activities (participation in summer schools, workshops, external lab visits)
- An annual Treg Academy organized by the doctoral candidates, as a form of a two-day IRTG retreat
Overall, synergies for doctoral candidates are fostered by multi-disciplinary research training both within the local microenvironment, as part of the TRR 355, and based on international co-operations.
Finally, yet importantly, the participants of the IRTG "Treg cells and beyond" benefit from a wealth of experience provided by the TRR 355 principal investigators and from their participation in national and international educational training activities for early career researchers.
Our Team

Prof. Dr. Luciana Berod
University Medical Center
of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Institute for Molecular Medicine
Langenbeckstr. 1, 55131 Mainz
+49 (0) 6131 17 9205

Prof. Dr. Carolin Daniel
Department of Clinical Pharmacology
Lindwurmstr. 2a, 80337 München
+49 (0) 89 3187 2188

Dr. Angel Anzani
Institut für Molekulare Medizin
Universitätsmedizin der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz,
Langenbeckstr. 1, Gebäude 308A, 55131 Mainz
+49 (0) 6131 17-9011